Community Etching Press
We are pleased to offer time on our etching press to artists in our community. Intaglio printmaking is one of the oldest forms of printmaking. This press enables artists to create stunning hand crafted prints each of which is a unique work of art.
Press Usage:
- All artists must participate in a 2 hour orientation program. The first hour is used to familiarize you with our space, where things are and what is expected of you to use the space. The second hour of the progam is a hands on printing session guided by one of our staff members, at the end of which each artists will be allowed to work on the press by themselves.
- We have weekly open printing sessions, usually on Saturdays 11-1 and 2-4. Up to six artists can work during each two hour printing block. Artists booking both the early and late printing session can print all day - roughly five hours total.
- On weekdays private press time can be book based on availability.
- Private classes are available.
Our prices are as cheap as possible to cover our costs and time to run the space. We also offer a "Printer's Proofs" program which helps artists offset costs on the press through giving prints of their art to sell. (scroll down this page for more info on the Printer's Proofs program)
- Orientation Program: $40
- Opening Printing Sessions: $25 per 2 hour session, $40 for both sessions on a day.
- Private Press Time: $20 per hour
- Private Classes: $40 per hour
Only water soluble inks are used in the studio. We provide black ink with use of the press. Other colors are often available please talk to us about current options or to recommend more colors to stock.
Artists are invited to bring their own inks but it must be Akua Intaglio Ink unless pre-approved by us. The Akua inks are wonderful, easy to work with, and very easy to clean. We recommend them for most users.
We are willing to work with advanced users who would like to use specific inks but we need to talk about this first in order to keep the studio clean and safe.
Material Pricing
We offer all basic printmaking materials needed to produce dry point intaglio prints.
- Handcrafted scribe points for scratching plates $25
- Poly-carbonate plates for scratching, $0.75 and up.
- Paper, multiple options: $.50 and up
- Wiping Cloth: $10
Printer's Proofs
In order to offset the costs of using the press we will trade time on the press for prints from artists which we then sell for though our "printer's proofs" editions. This is a needs based program, please talk to us and we will work out a way to get you printing that works for both of us.